Financial Solutions

Tailored cloud services for financial industry clients that are compliant, secure, cost-effective, high-performance, and highly available, helping clients upgrade their technology, build cloud-based finance, and innovate for the future.

Advantages of CloudSeven Solutions

Multi-Center Financial Compliance Zone

“Two Locations, Six Centers” compliant data centers, certified with Level 4 Protection and Trusted Cloud, help enterprises smoothly pass compliance inspections with automatic cross-region data synchronization.

Over 30 security mechanisms for comprehensive protection.

Multiple layers of protection ensure data security, with second-level defense against cyber attacks. Petabyte-scale black market data and a 90% malicious user identification rate reduce the risk of financial fraud.

Social big data connects millions of users.

Multi-channel, scenario-based exposure and traffic generation connect millions of users. Personalized user profiles and social big data enable precise marketing and uncover new business opportunities.

Compatible with traditional financial business architectures.

Supports Oracle and financial firewall architectures, hybrid cloud deployment, on-demand delivery, and easy business expansion. Dozens of financial software applications are cloud-ready, allowing successful experiences to be replicated instantly.

Model Introduction

Public Cloud

Certified financial clients purchasing cloud services in the public cloud can enjoy customized secure login features, enhanced security protection, and an exclusive integrated development, testing, and operations environment.

Targeted industry clients: consumer finance, automotive finance, payments, digital technology, fintech services, and more.

Financial Zone

Provides a financial zone that meets the regulatory requirements of the PBOC, CBIRC, and CSRC. Independent data centers dedicated to the financial industry offer exclusive products and services such as TDSQL financial databases and physical server hosting.

Suitable institutions: insurance, banks, securities, funds, consumer finance, exchanges, credit reporting companies.

Private cloud

Provide private cloud services for individual financial institution clients. Compliant IDC with dedicated physical isolation and independent network core, supporting unified management, user-friendly cloud computing products, network infrastructure, and security capabilities.

Suitable institutions: banks, insurance companies, securities firms, funds, and other large and medium-sized financial institutions.

Financial industry solutions


Provide financial cloud services that meet customer demands for physical isolation, independent data centers, disaster recovery solutions, and regulatory requirements.

  • Core systems
  • Claims processing
  • Risk management
  • Product sales


Tailor digital transformation solutions for the banking industry, offering comprehensive services from infrastructure setup to business applications.

  • System development
  • Business support
  • Capability delivery
  • Digital banking


Propose tailored solutions based on the securities industry’s challenges of widespread user distribution, high network demands, and significant business fluctuations.

  • Trading systems
  • Market data systems
  • Big data
  • Business innovation


Provide digital transformation and business innovation solutions for clients in consumer finance, industrial finance, financial holding, payments, and fintech sectors.

  • Big Data
  • System Development
  • Security Development
  • Business Innovation

Our Services

One-on-one pre-sales consultation, 24/7 technical support, and faster response times.

Data Reliability


Business Reliability


Faster Response Times

Servers deployed globally, achieving true millisecond-level response times.

Reliable Performance

Utilizing centralized management and monitoring to ensure business stability and reliability.

24/7 Technical Support

Providing 24/7 technical support.

Expert Advisory Team

All issue tickets are handled directly by our expert advisory team.